
The largest advertising campaign for red tomatoes Flamenco has been launched

25 апреля 2022

Since mid-April, on the air of TV channels "Russia 1", "First", "NTV", "TNT", "Friday", "STS", "TV3", "Domashny" and on digital platforms, we have been talking about real red tomatoes Flamenco and their benefits. The flagship of the brand is plum tomatoes. The range also includes round, cocktail, cherry and plum tomatoes for roasting and grilling. See the range here https://tomatyflamenco.ru / According to our research, Flamenco tomatoes contain 60% more lycopene. The natural pigment lycopene gives tomatoes a bright red color inside and out, which is why Flamenco tomatoes are called real red tomatoes. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. It is not produced in the body, but comes with red products, so tomato lovers are lucky. Lycopene is good for the skin, vision, supports vascular tone and prevents the formation of cholesterol.