
Yelets Vegetables


About the complex

The fifth generation Ultra Clima greenhouse complex allowing high precision control of the microclimate and all stages of vegetable growth.

total area
year of opening


No chemicals: we choose natural methods of pollination by bumblebees and use biological protection against pests — predatory insects. We follow all the rules of cleanliness and disinfection at the entrance to the greenhouses.

Modern technologies: fifth-generation greenhouses imply the finest settings for the microclimate, the optimal level of CO2, and ventilation. The greenhouse is protected from pests and saves on heating costs.

Eco-friendly: we collect and purify rainwater for irrigation to reduce water consumption.

Economical irrigation Economical irrigation
No chemicals No chemicals
Ideal microclimate Ideal microclimate
Exclusive varieties Exclusive varieties
Phytosanitary regime Phytosanitary regime
Supplemental lighting Supplemental lighting


The complex is located near one of the oldest cities of Yelets, in Lipetsk Oblast. In addition to the opportunity to create comfortable conditions for growing vegetables here, it is a convenient location near a large transport hub. This is how we deliver fresh cucumbers and lettuce to store shelves in the Central Federal District.

Lipetsk Oblast


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