Prompark is a modern greenhouse complex built with the use of the Dutch technologies in Oryol Oblast.
No chemistry: isolation from the external environment and eco-technologies make it possible to completely abandon the use of pesticides when growing vegetables. As in other complexes, plants are pollinated by bumblebees and protected from pests by beneficial entomophagous insects. Modern technologies: the complex is equipped with a climate control system and is fully automated. Artificial intelligence controls the irrigation, lighting and ventilation systems, while agronomists monitor the process in real-time. Eco-friendly: we obtain energy and heat using our own energy center. We combine nature and innovation, relying on eco-friendly production methods and minimizing the use of natural resources.
The modern greenhouse complex is located in Oryol Oblast, in the central part of Russia. Convenient transport accessibility allows us to provide residents of nearby regions and cities with fresh vegetables and greens, and you can enjoy their taste and high quality all year round.
Oryol Oblast