
Our joint growth

We grow delicious and nutritious vegetables for millions: every fourth cucumber and every seventh tomato in a consumer’s basket has been grown in our greenhouse complexes

Advantages of working with us

Social protection

a stable income, a social package, and comfortable work conditions guaranteed


valuing and rewarding each individual’s contribution and recognizing your initiative and accomplishments


growing healthy products while caring for the environment

Customer centricity

foreseeing our customers’ wishes, delighting them, and making their lives easier and tastier


offering professional and career development in a dynamic company, with the opportunity to share experiences with colleagues worldwide


implementing innovations in manufacturing, overseeing all phases of vegetable growth


Let’s cultivate taste and health benefits together!
Check out which open positions suit you best

  • Vacancy
  • Frontend-разработчик
    City Москва
    Department ГК РОСТ, Отдел Информационных технологий
  • Ведущий менеджер по качеству
    City Каменск-Шахтинский
    Department ГК РОСТ, Отдел качества
  • Овощевод в теплицы/Рабочий на производство
    City Белгород
    Department ГК РОСТ, Агрономическая служба
  • Менеджер по контролю качества
    City Брянск
    Department ГК РОСТ, Бухгалтерия и финансы
  • Подсобный рабочий
    City Белореченск
    Department ГК РОСТ, Рабочий персонал
  • Оператор растворного узла
    City Волжский (Волгоградская область)
    Department ГК РОСТ, Агрономическая служба

ROST employees on their work

"For me, this job is the history extended. I was born and raised in a family that has always been engaged in agriculture. Now I carry on the family tradition and work with the latest agro-technologies and equipment. Every day, I think about how astonished my grandparents, and even my parents, would be by our greenhouses and capabilities."

Tatyana Ivashchenko

"Honestly, before working with the company, I was the kind of person who was distrustful of greenhouse products. They are all with „pesticides.“ You can only get proper vegetables in the summer from the garden or from old ladies selling. When I started working here, I visited modern greenhouses, I saw how production is organized—how much care, effort, and technology it involves. Now, I do not believe in all these ridiculous stories, but I do believe in our products. ROST are my favorite vegetables all year round."

Ekaterina Kurganova

Senior Quality Manager